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Sample Slab Book - News


Updated versions (and a new one) of the White Papers have been posted.

A really bad (but automatically generated) sample of the Sample Slab book, 3rd Edition, was shown at the ANA WFoM BOAF meeting (which I was unable to attend). At least this time the front cover was on the front of the book and the back cover on the back. Progress.

In all seriousness, a lot of invisible progress. The database now has 1,234 items. The cut-off for the 3rd edition is 31 March 2023. And the book generation is mostly getting pagination right. There are a couple of edge cases where it's doing funky image sizing. But the remaining work is mostly finishing the data entry, the cross-referencing and proof-reading. With over 500 new items And many older entries revised, LOTS of proof-reading.


Site updates to the main page. Added the International Numbering and Submission links.

2022-09-08, 2021-12-14 and 2021-11-13

The 3rd version of the Whats In / Whats Out white paper has been posted off the main page. v1 was a bad idea. While v2 was better, ... v3 actually seems complete. And of course the 1st version wouldn't download from the site either.


Site font changed from Google's Raleway to Spline Sans - I just like the look better. That's what you get for reading random newsletters and sites on the web. Also added some preconnect stuff for crossorigin.


Added Dark Mode


Cloned copy of Cameron Kiefer's SampleSlabs.com - updated to more modern html, but minimal changes to content - added after the original site went down (it's now back up)


The site moved here to https://sampleslabs.info/

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Fluid Responsive site design is hand coded and mostly based on Skeleton V2.0.4, Copyright 2014, Dave Gamache available at getskeleton.com, which is free to use under the MIT license. Ideas were also borrowed from W3Layout's Telephone. Fonts used are GoogleFont's Raleway, and Amatic SC.